émoticône heart THE MAGICAL WEEK émoticône heart
Equinox 9.23.2015(France) and Full Moon/eclipse 9.28.2015(France).
We are entering in a very powerful week which is going to bring magic
effects on your life. You can already feel the energy of the equinox
tickling you, since a few days. We have a very strong sensation that
many things are freeing and relieving. We rediscover a certain momentum,
enthusiasm and/or euphoria. Yes we are redirected little by little
towards our "Real Life ". Let go, force nothing. It can be quite normal
to feel still tired, thirsty, electric, to have insomnias... The current
energy is powerful and it is awesome. Thus, take good care of Yourself,
rest, breathe deeply, drink a lot of water, go out to take fresh air
and remain centered in your heart, gently. Just feel this liberation,
this magic "thing" which is in the air, while knowing that the MIRACLES
ARE ON THE WAY. Coralie Gallant
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